A man walks down a hallways with his belongings

From Homeless to Hopeful: Harmony Gardens’ Support Led to Stability

Sometimes a phone call can change your life and sometimes it can change someone else’s life, depending on how you answer it. When Harmony Gardens Administrator Becky Holmgren’s phone rang in September 2021, she answered the call to show compassion to someone in need, despite the risks involved.

Sandy Delgehausen, a coworker who works at the Cassia home office, was calling Becky, who was the New Harmony administrator at the time.

Sandy asked if the New Harmony community would be able to admit a man named Diego who had a long history of homelessness and substance abuse. Sandy had never met this man, but trusted the referring individuals when they told her the man said he was committed to his sobriety.

“I used to volunteer at the Salvation Army Adult Rehab and am familiar with the program,” Sandy says. “The information for this man was that he was progressing in addiction recovery, but had multiple health issues and couldn’t keep up with elements of the program. A Salvation Army Adult Rehab program staff member contacted me and said, ‘We have someone who we feel is sincere about turning his life of homelessness and addictions around, but has multiple medical issues.’”

Admitting Diego was a risk due to longtime unhealthy habits, but it was one Becky was willing to take.

“I talked to Becky and she said, ‘That’s our mission; that’s who we serve,’” Sandy says. “Becky took this man in and took a chance on him. He flourished. As New Harmony worked to stabilize his health, his continued commitment to sobriety grew. He was a hit with the staff because he was incredibly kind and had a strong faith in Christ. He was committed to his faith and rehab and the organization served him well.”

Becky took another risk when granting Diego’s request for his brother Felipe to join him at New Harmony in February 2022. Like Diego, Felipe also had a long history of homelessness and substance abuse. In addition to those challenges, Felipe had a traumatic brain injury and did not speak English as Diego did. Diego translated and advocated for his brother.

New Harmony residents moved into a brand-new Harmony Gardens community in December 2022. The brothers moved from their double room into neighboring apartments in the new community. They continued to receive the services they needed.  Part of the services that went beyond the normal call of duty included staff accompanying both brothers throughout their stay to multiple medical appointments, as they had no family to do this.

“They really thrived here,” social worker Marissa Vogel says. “They got along with all the staff. They were very friendly and joking around with our staff and very appreciative of the care they got here.”

After a life of homelessness, Marissa worked with a relocation specialist to help the brothers find long-term housing.

“It was a challenge for this relocation worker to find a place they could both live in an apartment together,” Marissa says.

That day came in March 2023.

“They were both very grateful for finding this place,” Marissa says. “They were very excited that they would be moving in together.”

Cassia and Harmony Gardens staff joined in that excitement.

Becky and her staff were proud to see Cassia’s mission fulfilled in this way.

“Ultimately, we took both of these gentlemen in because we know in our hearts our mission is to serve,” Becky says. “This was a gentleman we were able to serve emotionally and spiritually. We were able to bring in his brother and get them both on their feet … Clearly with our motto being ‘Serving all by following ONE’ and our service standards that we live day in and day out, we were able to accomplish the end result.”

Becky added that support from Cassia donors make success stories like this possible.

“In general, being a nonprofit, it takes additional funds to be able to make situations like this happen,” Becky says. “Donors help us be able to live out our mission.”

Thank you for investing in your Cassia community. Your generosity is changing lives like Diego and Felipe!

NOTE: The names of the individuals served were changed to protect their privacy.